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Who is the Father of Aviation?

I believe everyone has asked themselves: “Who is the father of aviation?”.

Who is the Father of Aviation?
Image: Disclosure/Getty Images

I believe that every Brazilian has asked himself: “Who is the father of aviation?. In the last few days I was talking to my boyfriend about Santos Dumont and soon the subject of who could be the real inventor of the plane came up, could it really have been Santos Dumont? Among my knowledge and his, we had an extensive conversation on the subject and in the middle of the conversation, I remember, I ended up expressing the idea of creating a “title” by some world organization in which it named the “Founders of Aviation”.

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But why founders and not founder? In my humble opinion, we cannot say that Santos Dumont was really the inventor of the plane, because at the time he was creating his planes there was strong competition, Dumont lived in Paris, where it was the world focus for a kind of “championship”. ” of planes, this competition took place with the support of the government of France and caused many to go to Paris to try their luck. In the USA there were the Wright Brothers who also dedicated themselves to aviation there.

In Paris, Dumont and thousands of other inventors competed, while in the USA, the Wright Brothers made their inventions there. Dumont didn't even patent any of his inventions, he didn't care about it, Dumont wanted to have the experience of flying, he loved what he did and he dedicated himself to the fullest.

Of course, the Wright Brothers' plane could only get off the ground with the help of a rail and an impulse, whereas Santos Dumont's plane didn't need any help.

I believe that all of them were very important for aviation, we owe them everything we have available nowadays. Regarding my idea of the “title” of “Founders of Aviation”, my boyfriend says that it would be impossible because Americans contain an ideal of “America First!”, an ego that could prevent me from seeing this nomenclature with good eyes, since that there they see the Wright Brothers as the pioneers of aviation.

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Hello, I'm Matheus. I am currently graduating in Advertising, working as CEO and Creative Director at Araujo Media, Commercial Manager at TFX LATAM and I am the Creator of the Brazilian History portal.


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