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Reasons to support the Parliamentary Monarchy

After all, is the Monarchy better than the Republic? In my opinion, yes, and I will tell you why I believe that.

parliamentary monarchy
Image: Reproduction/Photomontage

After all, is the Monarchy better than the Republic? In my opinion, yes, and I will tell you why I believe that.

Image: Reproduction/Public Domain


In the republic, the president or prime minister needs a majority in parliament, the monarch must necessarily have popular acclamation to be considered legitimate to reign. There is no possibility of a monarch without popular support, it's like having a car without wheels, it's aimless. The monarch needs the trust of his people to be a head of state.

parliamentary monarchy

Image: Reproduction/Public Domain


According to Transparency International, of the 12 least corrupt countries in the world, 7 are monarchies, with two monarchic countries in first and second place.

  • New Zealand – 87
  • Denmark – 87
  • Finland - 86
  • Switzerland – 85
  • Singapore – 85
  • Sweden – 85
  • Norway – 84
  • Netherlands – 82
  • Luxembourg – 80
  • Germany – 80
  • Iceland – 78
  • Canada – 77

Image: Reproduction/Public Domain


according to Democracy Index, of the 10 most democratic countries in the world, 7 are monarchies, including the first place, which is occupied by Norway. These countries dominate in terms of freedom of expression, freedom of the press, economic freedom, HDI's and more peaceful countries.


When the monarch is born, he begins to be prepared to reign, that is, to be head of state. He is taught to be non-partisan, neutral, perpetual defender of the constitution. The teachings come from family traditions, politics, economics, languages, etc. In the republic it is different, anyone without any technical training can reach the post of president without any problem, without any concern for the quality of service that the person will provide to the nation.

parliamentary monarchy

Image: Reproduction/Public Domain


In the Brazilian monarchy (1822-1889) we had the 4th power, the moderating power, this power was exclusive to the emperor to use in cases of political, economic and social crisis. It was based on specific cases such as: Parliament fails to reach common sense, some corruption scandal. With this the emperor has the power to dissolve parliament and call new elections. Detail, this also applies to parliament in case of removal, if the monarch is not being neutral, is practicing favoritism or even going against the constitution, in these specific cases the monarch is removed by the prime minister, and the next in the line of succession is becomes the new head of state.

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Hello, I'm Matheus. I am currently graduating in Advertising, working as CEO and Creative Director at Araujo Media, Commercial Manager at TFX LATAM and I am the Creator of the Brazilian History portal.


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