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Brazil of 2021 and the Third Way

It has been a while since this happened but I decided to publish about this event here on my blog…

Image from: @philliphonorato
Image from: @philliphonorato

It's been a while since this happened but I decided to post about this event here on my blog. Brazilian actress Juliana Paes published a video on her Instagram denying a “colleague” who disclosed a possible support of Juliana Paes to President Jair Bolsonaro, in addition, the actress also stated in the video that she does not support the “communist delusions” of the left and says who wants to have a liberal, elegant, diplomatic president, an impartial press, a reliable STF, vaccine and a less polarized country.

The country we need is exactly what Juliana Paes described. In Brazil, political fanaticism is a prevalent disease, there are those who suckle on the government's teats and the ignorant who do not see the absurdities happening around them. It is already obvious to everyone that Jair Bolsonaro is just one more; An electoral fraudster. A mouthpiece. A traitor. In the past he praised Hugo Chávez and today he wants his supporters to cry out for a coup d'état. President Jair Bolsonaro is focused on defending his son Flávio Wonka and his personal interests.

"If you want to test a man's character, give him power." – Abraham Lincoln

After all the mistakes made by Lula (PT) and the thousands made by Jair Bolsonaro since 2019, will the Brazilian still elect one of the two in 2022? It's like choosing between shit and shit. The citizen who has a similar mindset to Juliana expects an “escape plan”, that is, a third way.

What name will we have to escape these two gangs? We do not know. We just have to wait…

Written By

Hello, I'm Matheus. I am currently graduating in Advertising, working as CEO and Creative Director at Araujo Media, Commercial Manager at TFX LATAM and I am the Creator of the Brazilian History portal.


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