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Habbinfo: My second life

I believe that I will no longer play Habbo, Habbinfo or any other Habbo Pirate in the same way as in the past, today leisure time is shorter and the options are multiple.

Image: Disclosure/Habbinfo

Have you heard about Habbinfo? Habbinfo was, for a long time, my second life. After living with my father for 4 years, in 2008 I moved back to live with my mother and until that moment I had never had contact with the internet, not even a computer. I spent many weekends with my uncle who would pick me up at home to spend time with him and go to the beaches, his friend's holiday home, parks, etc., with this habit I ended up going to my uncle's boss's house and there I met Lorena, the daughter of my uncle's boss, she had a very old computer with a tube monitor and a yellowed keyboard, but the important thing was that it worked.

On this computer in just one day I was introduced to Habbo Hotel, Habbo is a game made by the company Sulake where you create your character, choose the name, clothes and navigate the game making friends. There is a table with countless “rooms” with names and you can click on the room and enter, if you do not have a password, and look at the furniture that players buy to decorate the rooms, talk to other players and move with your character in the room. space in the room that you have access to, obviously the only person who can decorate is the owner of the room or whoever gave him permission to do the same, you can create your room and do whatever you want. That's where the game's creativity lies, many transform rooms into Hospitals, Police Stations, Theaters, Football Stadiums and much more.

Image: Disclosure/Sulake

Lorena taught me the basics and as soon as I came across the game I really enjoyed the opportunity to make friends and put my creativity into practice in decorating the rooms. In addition, players take it seriously and live another life within the game, not only following game and room rules but also making family, friends, enemies and digitized actions. Is the term digitized shares correct? I can't forget the many times I watched countless players practicing sexual intercourse writing at the same time as imagining this act, today it seems strange to see that but in my youth it wasn't so much. Actions such as hugging, kissing and eating also depended on this mechanism.

After playing for a while, I wanted to change my character's clothes and start decorating my room to make it a success for visitors to the hotel, but I came across the game's limitation for such a thing, it was necessary to pay, with money from the real world, to be able to fulfill my desires and I would never ask my mother for money all the time to spend on the game, that's when Lorena introduced me to Habblet.

Read too: My first trip to Florianópolis

Habblet Hotel was practically identical to Habbo Hotel, the difference was that the game was not made by Sulake, it did not have its trademark, that is, it was a Habbo Pirata, as it was called at the time by players. The good thing about all this was that now I could have all the clothes and furniture at my disposal, it was on Habblet that I started to understand a little more about what this second life was like, today much is said about Metaverso, at that time this type of game was my Metaverse.

Image: Disclosure/Habblet

It was still at the time when I got to know Habblet that I had the opportunity to play it at my house and in my little corner, my mother's work friend made his credit card available for my mother to buy and pay for a laptop/notebook for me. When I saw that box in the middle of the living room at home I ran and quickly opened it, it was a Positivo notebook. If it were today, I'd throw it in the trash. Anyway, I loved that wonderful laptop from Positivo as a gift, and I remember that it had 3D technology and came with glasses with one red lens and the other blue, I never used this thing in my life during the 10 years that the device managed to survive with me. A little card game over there and a minefield game over here, finally the Internet was installed in my house and I managed to get on Habblet.

At the time, players knew that Habbo, despite being paid to have access to everything, was the hotel that had the most players while pirate hotels could not reach it, however, a buzz emerged on Habblet and many started talking about a such Habbinfo Hotel.

Habbinfo Hotel had nothing special, its highlight was being the pirate habbo with more players than the others. This fact ended up making me go to the hotel and there I was making friends and entering different rooms, I was looking for what the game would really give me as rewarding for me to access it every day, which was football and friendships .

At the time I must have been 9 or 10 years old, I was in the first part of elementary school, my period of playing was when I woke up and after I got home from school, I studied in the afternoon. As I said, Habblet served as an apprenticeship to get to know the game, to have an idea of how to have fun through it and I ended up coming across football. In the real world, as Habbo players say, I played football as a goalkeeper and that made me enter this segment at Habbinfo Hotel, I started to enter rooms in stadiums or CT (Training Center) of clubs of players from the hotel and watched until I got the curiosity to practice the sport in the game. I won't remember the first team I played for but among the first was Flamengo, which is the team I support in the real world, the team belonged to the nickname (player's name) rikelmy-gato, what a horrible name, it was a very amateur team and with many noobs (name given to people who don't know how to play).

Image: Disclosure/Habbinfo

To start with the new hotel and with the focus on football I would need to choose a name for my character related to football from the same position I was willing to play, it was then that the first name that came to my mind was Petr Cech, and yes I was one of those who used the Equestrian helmet to imitate Petr Cech's helmet, but that didn't last long. From then on I created the nickname cech1, many ask me what happened to change it to cech11 afterwards, it was quite simple, I ended up falling into a silly gold bullion scam, I entered the link with my account and the scammer was making fun of me while I, now with the nick cech11, was cursing him in a club room asking him to return my account.

Playing for Flamengo, I made friends with the owner of the team, but right after that I remember having a test at Bayern Munich, with Cristian, it was a very recent team with little appreciation, but there were many good players among them. lHernanBarcos, pedromor222, Messi0, xxxneymar7golxx (player who played with me later at Manchester City), lPastore and me. By the way, pedromor222 opened a selection on Habbinfo, the Great Britain Selection, and invited me to be the main goalkeeper and lHernanBarcos created a team with me on years later.

Bayern ended up not lasting as long due to their lack of leadership and I took advantage of the fact that I was without a team and decided to start a team, Brasiliense. This team is not even in Habbinfo's football history, but what I remember is having lRafael Saldanha on my team and few people know about it. lRafaelSaldanha was a player from the List of Legends, it didn't make sense for a legend to play in such a newly created team and without any authority. However, he played with the l.rivelino account, the only person who knew was me and his practice was not wrong, he could play for another team with another account without a problem. The team didn't last long, I didn't have enough experience to manage the team.

I started to get into the field of football and meet important figures in that field, to start in a club it was necessary to take a test and that's how I did it until I got my first club. Each hotel had its main teams and Habbinfo was no different, the biggest and best were: Ilusion FC, Manchester City, Borussia Dortmund, Real Brasil, Real Madrid and Allianz.

Among the important figures in the field, one of them was the Collector, the president of UEFA. Basically everyone was drooling over their balls to have their name on the “List of Legends”, each update of the Hotel can affect the football ball and it moves differently, so each hotel had a ball that could be different in another hotel and, because of this, the ball had a name for each style of movement it made. To summarize, there were Bug, Desbug, Rebug, etc. For each ball there was a list of the best players for it, the period that the ball would exist no one knew, as we had no control over the hotel's update, that is, the ball had a life expectancy of 1, 2, 3 or at most 4 years for each hotel.

The Collector was the “Godfather”, something very strange compared to the real world, FIFA is in charge of international football, whereas in Habbinfo it was UEFA. It was the Collector who was in charge of the confederations, no one could create one without his approval, he was the one who opened the voting for the best players of the year, he managed the entire structure for competitions between pirate habbo teams and the Habbinfo Team was owned by UEFA , at one point the Collector went to the national team coach. Something very dictatorial, right? I was in frequent contact with him until a few years ago, but I don't see myself talking to him anymore.

In addition to the Collector, there were other important figures from the Desbug period, the ball I played at Habbinfo. Elias552266, the owner and manager of Manchester City, was the most relaxed and friendly of all, he was always testing and giving opportunities to many players. I was playing soccer in some room when I noticed him outside the field watching, after the end of the match he called the staff and said he would perform a test and I quickly accepted the invitation. The test was basic and I got the Manchester City goalkeeper vacancy, reserve goalkeeper.

Image: Disclosure/Habbinfo

Image of the Manchester City squad at the entrance to the stadium to face Allianz, I am number 2.

Image: Disclosure/Habbinfo

Image of the Manchester City squad celebrating winning a trophy, I'm the “ninja” in the photo.

To be clear, it wasn't that easy to play Habbinfo, especially football! My Internet wasn't very good, and Habbinfo crashed during the football match and all the players were frozen, it was a funny but terrifying scene for the football player, as any failure was crucial. The game could freeze for you and become normal for others, when frozen the player would immediately shout “LEEEEEEGGG” and try to redeem himself with that. Anyway, I suffered a lot from this and it was difficult to reach the position of starting goalkeeper, well, on the one hand it was difficult and on the other it was easy, you know? Manchester City's starting goalkeeper was Boiei12, remember I said Habbinfo was like a second life? Well, the championships had specific times for each match, that is, we needed to be at the stadium at the exact time to be able to play, because of this, the games, for the most part, took place at night so that there would be no conflict with school hours. in the real world, but goalkeeper Boiei is already worthy of his nickname, he often didn't attend games and I was always there to take his place, becoming Manchester City's starter was easier because of him too. Float wherever you are, thank you very much!

Image: Disclosure/Habbinfo

Image used at the top of Manchester City's website, I'm first in line.

Image: Disclosure/Habbinfo

Image of Eagles Blue, Manchester City's stadium.

Elias552266 was a great friend of mine at the time, he always gave me space and the recognition I had in football, without a doubt, I owe Manchester City. It was from then on that I won awards for Best Goalkeeper and started to be requested by other teams, but Elias always had a good chat with all the players and managed to hold them for a long time. At the time there were gold bars, when you clicked on them they became currency in the game and to buy a large amount of bars required many coins, clubs at the time transferred players for gold bars, of course, there were players who left clubs without giving a statement, but that was highly disrespectful at the time.

Image: Disclosure/Habbinfo

Image of Manchester City buying Real Brasil's lRisk for 200 Barras, I'm the suit with the brown blazer.

In the middle of this whole process of getting into the hotel's football scene, I came across some television station rooms, the two biggest ones at the Habbinfo Hotel were Rede Globo from ::math:: and Tv Habbinfo from Edurdo.Martins, both stations I enjoyed the experience of “working” on them. Rede Globo was one of the hotel's main attractions and had a very busy headquarters room, including ::math::'s son was Neuer, goalkeeper for a team at the hotel and it was quite common to see ::math: : in some football rooms. To be honest, I don't even remember how I got into Globo, I just remember participating in a soap opera that you can check out below. (Jesus, what a shame…)

Tv Habbinfo was a different process to start working there, Eduardo.Martins was looking for someone from the football world to present the sports program, Bola na Rede, he did several tests and most of the players behaved inappropriately and that irritated Eduardo.Martins, I got the job for behaving better. The station had a kind of main trio, it was Eduardo.Martins, AvrilLaving.sk8 and Vinicius-Turn, both had the projects in mind and put them into practice. Despite later becoming Vice-President of the station, the three of them were always closer and I was kind of on the sidelines.

Image: Disclosure/Habbinfo

Image of the headquarters of Tv Habbinfo.

The trio went to the Habbo Hotel and created ABC and I stayed on Habbinfo, after the end of Habbinfo I tried to contact Eduardo.Martins and he simply blocked me on Facebook, but he still had his two friends on Facebook. Did he not like my posts criticizing Dilma? He was a staunch PT supporter, anyway, how far have we come.

In the midst of all this, I decided to undertake, I created Lacoste but it was a failure, my business was to play football. I found this article below on the Internet, unfortunately I don't remember what happened but I found this text very funny.

Image: Disclosure/Habbinfo

Article image:

I confess that I was far from being the best goalkeeper in Habbinfo, I never was. I was never called up to the Habbinfo National Team, but it never affected me and I always followed the team at games to support the hotel where I was hosted. I believe that my prominence was not greater because I didn't use software to perform better, in fact it took me a long time to know that this existed. Well, the software I'm talking about was double-click software or changing the ball to a black square to reduce the game's LEG, I never used it and I didn't even know who used it, I only realized it when comments started for some players saying : “He uses that thing!” The fact is that the Real Brasil club was well known for being a very successful team and everyone used software to play, I believe that the majority who made it to the Habbinfo Team also used it and, because of this, they always had an advantage against the teams of the other hotels.

Image: Disclosure/Habbinfo

Image of the Habbinfo team in training with coach Colecção (blue shirt).

Even in the last moments of football's life at Habbinfo I joined Tawendison's Barcelona, Manchester City was already closed, we had a lot of success with Barcelona and won many titles, we became one of the best teams in the hotel with the new version of the ball , Rebug. I made many friends on Habbinfo and I remember the nicknames of many from that time. Sometimes I wonder where they must be, what they are doing or do they remember me. Until a while ago I had contact with more people and frequented Facebook groups, but I ended up with a dull mind and couldn't take any more nonsense from the “new generation” of players. I became disappointed with some people and distanced myself from others. The Desbug ball, if I'm not mistaken, lasted between 2010 and 2013, after that I was called to play in other hotels, since football at Habbinfo had died, but it didn't work out so well, I even played under the nickname Higuita at Habb. biz and get recognition, but it wasn't the same thing anymore.

Image: Disclosure/

Image of my character on

Today, at the time of writing this article, I speak with two friends from my time at Habbinfo, totaling a little over 12 years of friendship. One is Meki- (Eduardo Gabiato) and the other is Van-Der-Sar (Matheus Santos). Van-Der-Sar was Ilusion's goalkeeper, he was an excellent goalkeeper and was the team's absolute starter. At first we clashed a lot with countless matches, it took a long time for us to become real friends. In fact, I had a very close friend at the time who was Playng (Gustavo), he was from the same state as me, he was a fanatical Flamengo fan and he watched Flamengo's games in the real world with me, in the game. Playng was tremendously jealous of Van-Der-Sar, they even exchanged barbs and everything. Unfortunately, the last contact I had with Playng was through his cousin's Facebook, he just said “Hi” and after I responded and asked for a better contact to keep in touch with him, he never responded and disappeared.

Image: Disclosure/Habbinfo

Image of me and Playng together on Habbinfo supporting Flamengo from the “real world”.

Meki- I met him after seeing his character, he was something very exotic for the football world, he had mohawk style hair, no shirt, underwear and socks. That was all it took to catch my attention and say: “This guy is different!” With Meki- I didn't have an immediate bond, to be honest I don't remember the teams he played for, I remember that I helped him with some projects at the time, but he stopped playing Habbinfo earlier and our friendship was consolidated after Habbinfo. Meki- and Van-Der-Sar continue to be my friends from Habbinfo, of all the players I met, they were the ones who welcomed me and were always by my side to listen to my outbursts, my jokes, my stories, my nonsense and everything else. Unfortunately, I haven't met them both in person yet but I hope that day comes.

The game style ceases to be more addictive as you get older, I believe I will no longer play Habbo, Habbinfo or any other Habbo Pirate in the same way as I used to, today leisure time is shorter and the options are multiple.

Well, this summary of 'Habbinfo: My second life' was gigantic, but I believe I managed to convey all my feelings from the moments I spent playing Habbinfo Hotel, they were unforgettable moments that never came back, it was through this game, for a period of time. my life, that I felt very fulfilled with my friendships, the opportunity to be a goalkeeper in world football and so many other events. Lonely days and nights passed unnoticed after entering this world, but the butterflies in my stomach after leaving and lying in bed ended up taking over me, knowing that the real world doesn't have the same magic.

Thank you Habbinfo Hotel, Thank you all.

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Written By

Hello, I'm Matheus. I am currently graduating in Advertising, working as CEO and Creative Director at Araujo Media, Commercial Manager at TFX LATAM and I am the Creator of the Brazilian History portal.


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