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Constitution of 1824, a Liberal constitution

Dom Pedro I is one of the great names against absolutism in the world, having fought against centralization and given up power in favor of a liberal constitution.

Constitution of 1824
Image: Disclosure/D. Pedro I with a copy of the Brazilian Constitution of 1824, by Manuel de Araújo Porto Alegre. 1826.

After Brazil's declaration of independence, the country was focused on creating its first constitution. In 1823, one year after the separation of the kingdom from Portugal, a constituent assembly was held, but it was something very interventionist and provided for large state participation, contrary to the ideals of Dom Pedro I. For this reason, the emperor dissolved the constituent assembly and he himself made a new constitution, signed on March 25, 1824.

Image: Disclosure/D. Pedro I with a copy of the Brazilian Constitution of 1824, by Manuel de Araújo Porto Alegre. 1826.

Read too: Reasons to support the Parliamentary Monarchy

The 1824 constitution limited his own powers as emperor, Dom Pedro also wrote the 1826 constitution of Portugal with the same principle of defending the Liberal Constitutional Monarchy, being totally contrary to the absolutist rage of Dom Miguel, his brother. The two constitutions reflect the liberal principles of Dom Pedro I, both in Brazil and Portugal. Dom Pedro I is one of the great names against absolutism in the world, having fought against centralization and given up power in favor of a liberal constitution.

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Hello, I'm Matheus. I am currently graduating in Advertising, working as CEO and Creative Director at Araujo Media, Commercial Manager at TFX LATAM and I am the Creator of the Brazilian History portal.


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