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The Left and the LGBTQIA+

The left has no right to say that it defends the freedom of the LGBTQIA+ community, the left itself makes apology for dictatorships.

The left has no right to say that it defends the freedom of the LGBTQIA+ community, the left itself supports dictatorships. Using the Workers' Party (PT) as an example, we can see the party embracing minority agendas, usually progressive, as a political strategy. Lula, the most honest man in this country, never hid his admiration for dictatorships like Cuba, which had forced labor camps for homosexuals, black people, prostitutes, journalists and people with STDs. Some victims of the camps say they were psychologically tortured so that “they would no longer be sissies”.

Fidel admits that the government persecuted gays in Cuba – Internacional – Estadão (

The left also has admiration for the Chinese Communist Party, which to this day imposes restrictions on religious and homosexuals.

China will crack down on 'effeminate styles' on TV – 02/09/2021 – Television – F5 (

In 2000, Lula, the most honest man in this country, was in Pelotas next to a candidate for mayor and made a comment without knowing that the camera and microphone were on, see:

To this day the man with nine fingers never recognized his speech and never brought it up.

Remember, you shouldn't vote for someone who has the same sexual orientation as you. Vote for someone who represents the same ideals as you.

Written By

Hello, I'm Matheus. I am currently graduating in Advertising, working as CEO and Creative Director at Araujo Media, Commercial Manager at TFX LATAM and I am the Creator of the Brazilian History portal.


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