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The last hours of Dom Pedro II

“Peace and prosperity to Brazil!” – Dom Pedro II

The last hours of Dom Pedro II
Image: Disclosure/Public Domain

On November 24, 1891, Pedro II noted in his diary “Deodoro was terminated”, being the record of the news of the resignation of the man who helped bring about the coup of the republic in Brazil. After registration, Pedro II took a long ride along the Seine River, in an open carriage, despite the day having a very low temperature. On his return to the Hotel Bedford, where Dom Pedro II was staying, he felt cold at night and the disease developed in the following days until it became pneumonia, his condition was rapidly worsening.

On December 2, 1891, there was no celebration of his 66th birthday, the majesty only met with family and a few friends. The next morning his health took a turn for the worse, and as a result other relatives went to see him for the last time as the end seemed to be near. On December 4th, his clinical condition showed no improvement and at half past midnight on December 5th, 1891, three days after his birthday, Dom Pedro II died.

Read too: The Count of Eu in the Paraguay War

Thus ended the life of the man who was born of an imperial cradle, lost his mother at just 1 year old and his father at 5. Dom Pedro II did not have fun when he was a child because at 5 years old he was already treated differently, because his life was summed up in fulfilling the wishes of the state. Dom Pedro II studied all day, didn't play, had the entire weight of the country on his back at age 14 and endured it for almost 50 years without rest. His marriage was very early to someone he didn't even know, he saw three of his four children die, he saw a granddaughter born dead and, finally, already very old and sick, he suffered a major coup d'état that took away his most precious asset, his right to live in Brazil.

Dom Pedro II was expelled along with his family in a cold dawn, he left for exile without any chance to say goodbye to the Brazilians. The majesty watched his wife die and knew that his country, the country he fought to keep calm and progressing, was tearing itself apart in conflict and corruption. Dom Pedro II died of pneumonia in a less than luxurious hotel in exile in France and his last request on his deathbed was:

“Peace and prosperity to Brazil!” – Dom Pedro II

Image: Reproduction/Wikimedia Commons

As his body was being prepared for burial, his son-in-law, the Count d'Eu', found a package with a note that said:

“It is the soil of my country, I wish they would put it in my coffin if I die far from my homeland.” – Dom Pedro II

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Hello, I'm Matheus. I am currently graduating in Advertising, working as CEO and Creative Director at Araujo Media, Commercial Manager at TFX LATAM and I am the Creator of the Brazilian History portal.


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