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The deity of life on walls and windows

The luck or divinity of life
Image: Reproduction/Freepik

I often found myself looking at the horizon from the windows and at the walls of places I lived in and in many of those places I was unable to have continuous happiness, I was always looking for something more, and this ended up making me often in agony. trying to understand life in search of the perfect path. Since I was a child, I've always been very observant and knew what I should do right to be a better person every day and that's how I did it over the years... observing, observing a lot!

In life we always want to have access to good things, have money, have a job and much more. I was no different. I always tried to follow the herd, doing what they said was right, I studied, took the same route from home to school and in my free time I played my favorite game. It turns out that as time went by, I always looked at the horizon from the windows and at the walls where I lived and asked God if I would one day be completely happy, if I would have the job I liked, if I would have a house or I even asked where I would be in about 10 years, I wanted a sign, a flashing light or something like that, but I had no answers. There are atheists in the world and I respect them, but as a Christian, faith helped me a lot in moments when I felt lonely and, despite not having a religion, I have always taken faith to the spiritual side and have always given myself completely in this way.

Image: Disclosure/WikiCommons

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The only thing I learned from my childhood days to my more mature days is that everything can have consequences. See, if my mother didn't know my father I would never have them both as my parents, right? In other words, if that happened I could have had any other path just like them. I have always believed that the people around us tell us a little about who we are and what we want and, in addition, where we are heading for our studies, entertainment, communication, etc. If you are a person looking to live in an inhospitable place with poor quality entertainment, you can be sure that you will get along very well with individuals looking for the same thing.

Remember the windows and walls I talked about above? So, I always tried to have a better life based on my principles and I always found myself talking to God and saying my prayers and I never got an answer, right? Well, in life it's more obvious than it seems when you want to have a better quality of life, we first need to let go of what leaves us anchored in what doesn't fulfill us and prevents us from progressing.

The consequence I talked about above is exactly that, try to find ways that will make you detach yourself from the bad quality of life you lead. Faith will keep you strong, but faith alone is not enough. Whatever you do, look for ways to improve your quality of life and don't wait for things to fall from the sky, stay strong and make life worth living.

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Written By

Hello, I'm Matheus. I am currently graduating in Advertising, working as CEO and Creative Director at Araujo Media, Commercial Manager at TFX LATAM and I am the Creator of the Brazilian History portal.


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