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My Formation (Joaquim Nabuco) | Review

Minha Formação is an ideal book for in-depth knowledge of Joaquim Nabuco's genius and about many events in the course of his life.

My Formation (Joaquim Nabuco)
Image: Matheus Araújo, 2023

I finished reading the book My information, by Joaquim Nabuco, a book that tells many details about Brazil and the world in the 19th century and shows much more about the author's personality. Already write my book review Abolitionism that you can find the roots of the abolitionist movement and the acts done by Joaquim Nabuco and his companions in favor of this ideal.

But in the book My information, Nabuco freely discusses facts of his intellectual, political and diplomatic life. He recounts his experience abroad and the strong influences of countries such as England, the USA and France, where he lived for a period. He also reports his contact with great personalities, such as the philosopher Ernest Renan, the writer George Sand and Pope Leo XIII. In the book you can find great digressions about the course of the author's political thought, his initial literary attempt and, mainly, about his active and remarkable participation in the abolitionist movement.

Image: Matheus Araújo, 2023

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In My information you will come across everything that the name of the book addresses, Joaquim Nabuco's background and his ideals. We can see his thinking about the United States of America in the political context and even in something he notes about American thinking about being number one in the world at anything, something we see to this day. He reinforces the reader's desire for the abolition of slavery to occur in Brazil and that for him it was something much more important than any other facts in which he participated.

As a good monarchist, he details very well his pain with the expulsion of Emperor Dom Pedro II and even says that the fact shook him more deeply than all the national catastrophes that he followed from afar.

Image: Matheus Araújo, 2023

The book details very well all the events that occurred at the time of Joaquim Nabuco, but the book is not just about political facts in general, the author also talks about his passion for the nature of Rio de Janeiro and praises specific points of the City. And, of course, Joaquim Nabuco speaks in a technical way to republicanism, saying that the regime has a yeast of hatred and that there is a lot of demagoguery, even saying that elected politicians, in Brazil at the time, were promising things that could never be fulfilled. He even recognizes an ideal in republicanism but that, according to him, there is also an ideal in socialism, communism and anarchism but there is also envy and that is why the revolutionary impulse appears.

My information is an ideal book for in-depth knowledge of Joaquim Nabuco's genius and of many events in the course of his life. One observation I make of this book is a letter from André Rebouças to Dom Pedro II that Joaquim Nabuco managed to access, which was a letter that brought tears.

The monarchy could only come back with the advantage for the country if the monarchists showed themselves to be more patriotic than the republicans. – Joaquim Nabuco




YEAR: 2019

PAGES: 264

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My information is an ideal book for in-depth knowledge of Joaquim Nabuco's genius and of many events in the course of his life. One observation I make of this book is a letter from André Rebouças to Dom Pedro II that Joaquim Nabuco managed to access, which was a letter that brought tears.

  • History
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My information is an ideal book for in-depth knowledge of Joaquim Nabuco's genius and of many events in the course of his life. One observation I make of this book is a letter from André Rebouças to Dom Pedro II that Joaquim Nabuco managed to access, which was a letter that brought tears.

Written By

Hello, I'm Matheus. I am currently graduating in Advertising, working as CEO and Creative Director at Araujo Media, Commercial Manager at TFX LATAM and I am the Creator of the Brazilian History portal.


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