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A critique of the Monarchical Cause in Brazil

In Brazil there are monarchists who are more studious and others who are sentimental. There is an opportunity for us to reveal a Brazil that has been hidden from us for a long time and that many still insist on hiding. We have to bring the true Brazilian past into social ties and only then awaken more people's interest in the true history of our country .

A critique of the Monarchical Cause in Brazil
Image: Reproduction/“The Foundation of the Brazilian Homeland”, Painting by Eduardo Sá, 1899.

Being a monarchist in Brazil in 2023 is, in many moments, a very big challenge. The first barrier you encounter is a lot of resistance from those around you and makes you seek refuge in other places where you will be heard and the same ideas will be debated.

Today I consider myself a monarchist by conviction and heart, without a doubt. Walking around Quinta da Boa Vista when I was a young boy, I felt a warm and satisfying spirit that occurred to me after coming across the Palace and that huge garden. I don't know if at that moment my love for history awakened even more or if there was something else in the feeling.

After my own studies and some research, I knew that I was convinced that everything I learned at school and heard about the Brazilian monarchical period was a big lie.

After meeting, even from a distance, some monarchists defending the monarchical cause in Brazil, I observed that we have many monarchists who are highly unqualified to be an example of a monarchist today, and I will tell you why!

Young people

Young people are a large proportion of people who defend the return of the monarchy in Brazil and this should be a warning sign of concern, not in the sense of it being something bad, but in the sense of being cautious in statements and expositions of ideas on the internet so that many do not end up believing that everything that some young people say is defended as the ideals of the monarchical cause.

The traditionalists

It is important to know that there are a lot of crazy people in the world, and in Brazil it is no different. There are some organizations that defend the return of the monarchy as a very traditionalist form, with an official state church, being the Catholic Church and defending highly medieval guidelines. I believe that this type of monarchist will not find any success, if even England had its monarchy modernized to the present day, I do not see success in us returning to a monarchy with a government system that looks like the Middle Ages.

Image: Reproduction/“The Foundation of the Brazilian Homeland”, Painting by Eduardo Sá, 1899. The painting depicts Jose Bonifácio, Dom Pedro I and representatives of the three ethnicities that form the Brazilian Nation.

Read too: Constitution of 1824, a Liberal constitution

A part of the imperial family

It is nothing new that many monarchists in Brazil defend the thesis that D. Bertrand, descendant of the Vassouras Branch imperial family and current “head of the imperial house”, has the right to the throne if the monarchy returns to Brazil. I disagree with this position and understand that this decision must be made by the Brazilian people, mainly because they do not like D. Bertrand after his speeches and positions. The guy who should be impartial received visits from Bolsonaro supporters at his home, went to demonstrations in support of politician Jair Bolsonaro and, in addition, lives in the stone age by saying that family is Man and Woman, disqualifying any type of homosexual love. Therefore, on the day I write this, my support is in the Petrópolis Branch and I see Dom João Henrique, the branch's main spokesperson, as a supporter of minorities and whenever he speaks in public he is impartial. Of course, the Broom Branch may change in the future, but that is the reality at the moment.

"Left and right"

The majority believe that monarchists are all conservative or liberal, but they end up forgetting that the movement has social democrats who end up being forgotten with this socialist wave we have in Brazil. Sweden is a monarchy and has a very social democratic government, I see many monarchists leaving the field of ideas with the “leftists” of the movement because they just don't agree. It is necessary to understand that monarchy is for everyone, it is a government system that is open to the debate of ideas and that social democrats must be among conservatives and liberals to join forces for a possible return of the Empire of Brazil, we must respect each other above of everything.

In Brazil there are monarchists who are more studious and others who are sentimental. There is an opportunity for us to reveal a Brazil that has been hidden from us for a long time and that many still insist on hiding. We have to bring the true Brazilian past into social ties and only then awaken more people's interest in the true history of our country .

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Hello, I'm Matheus. I am currently graduating in Advertising, working as CEO and Creative Director at Araujo Media, Commercial Manager at TFX LATAM and I am the Creator of the Brazilian History portal.


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